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My practice is located within easy reach of the main stations in South West and South East London.
In these difficult economic times, it is the ‘voice’ of my clients that can really bring home the positive impact that counselling has on people’s lives, which may benefit them to know and hear about so that can feel encouraged to make the first step to contact support.
Client testimonials offer a means to other prospective clients to hear directly from those who have benefitted from my service. All testimonials are anonymous.
‘I had 10 sessions with Massimo and they enabled me to go on a journey of self-reflection & realisation into my past and how this had shaped me into the person that I am today. I was in a high state of depression when our sessions began but Massimo’s personal & open style of therapy helped me overcome some of the biggest mental hurdles that I’ve faced.
Thank you Massimo for your questions, empathy and ability to help me see through the darkness.’
“When I first started therapy with Massimo I was in a very negative place and I felt confused about what I was feeling. But my sessions with Massimo completely changed my entire mindset to the point where I now have an extremely positive outlook on my current situation, and I have progressed to a point that I could only have dreamed about before starting therapy”